

Vehicle Seat Belt


Seat belts shall be fastened before starting the vehicle. They protect the driver and passengers from injury to the maximum extent in case of an accident.


Adjust the driver’s seat to suit your position before fastening the belt.


·  Correctly employ belts, pull them smoothly and do not twist them. The three-point waist belt shall be fastened as low as possible, ideally on the hip instead of the waist; and the shoulder belt shall be slant on the chest but not under the arm. 


· Sharing one belt is forbidden, and the belts should be well protected. Do not fasten the belts on rigid or fragile items or rub them with sharp items to prevent any damage. Do not tilt the seat backrest too much; otherwise the belt will not extend or withdraw properly.  


·  Insert the button of the belt into the red fastener on the bottom of the seat, and ensure that the belt is fastened until hearing a sound of “crack”. Just press the red fastener according to the arrow to withdraw the belt.


·  Perform regular checks to ensure there is no damage. In line with the specification, screw down the bolts that fix the belts on the floor beside the seat, and then coat the area around the bolts with a layer of sealant to fix them tighter.


  ·  Any belt damaged or broken in accidents shall be replaced. Repair of belts by oneself is not allowed, and examination & repair of the belts must be executed in the authorized maintenance station.
